Aadhar is a 12-digit unique identification number, issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India. The Aadhar card stores personal biometric and demographic information of every individual in the government database to serve as an identity and address proof anywhere in India.
Uses and Benefits of Aadhar Card
- Availing of subsidies: The most significant reason why you must hold an Aadhar card is that it is a gateway to access for availing subsidies for government schemes.
These are some of the government schemes for which you need an Aadhar card: - Jan Dhan Yojana
- Jeevan Pramaan for Pensioners
- Public Provident Funds
- LPG Subsidy
- Bank related services: If any individual wishes to open a bank account, they have to provide their Aadhar card. Also, to avail any loan and to invest in any investment schemes, you must have an Aadhar card.
- Acquisition of passport: The Aadhar card serves as a solo card for identity and residence proof, thus expediting the processing of passport applications.
- SEBI: To invest in the Security and Exchange Board of India, you must have an Aadhar card as it serves as an identity and address proof.
- Filing Income Tax Returns: The government has made it mandatory to link the PAN and Aadhar card for filling the income tax returns.
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